Tanta University Council Approves Allocating Several Buildings for the Establishment of Tanta National University

The Tanta University Council has approved the allocation of several buildings within the university campus at the "Sperbay" faculty complex for the establishment of Tanta National University. The council reviewed a report on the proposal for establishing the university, which aligns with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research. The proposal includes a national and regional perspective as well as a phased executive framework aimed at expanding access to high-quality education of international standards.

The report highlighted the expected societal impact in terms of skill development and preparing graduates qualified for both local and international labor markets. It also emphasized the economic benefits by focusing on specialized fields and reducing pressure on public universities, as well as the environmental benefits by minimizing carbon emissions through reducing student migration and long-distance travel for education. Additionally, the report outlined potential future expansion opportunities for the university's facilities.

This decision was made during the university council meeting held today, chaired by Prof. Mohamed Hussein, Acting President of Tanta University, and attended by Prof. Fouad Heras, former President of Tanta University, Prof. Mahmoud Selim, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Hatem Amin, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, faculty deans, the university's legal advisor, and the university secretary-general.

