La restructuration administrative et financière des systèmes de centres, d'unités et de comptes spéciaux est représentée selon un modèle dans le cadre du plan stratégique pour le développement durable de l'État égyptien, « Vision d’Egypte 2030 », dans lequel l'axe gouvernance représente le sixième objectif sur huit axes principaux que l'université a ciblés dans les axes de développement et de réalisation de son plan stratégique. La gouvernance institutionnelle est devenue l'axe stratégique le plus important pour atteindre les objectifs des axes du plan stratégique de l'Université de Tanta à travers le développement de l'université d'un modèle proposé pour réaliser des mécanismes de gouvernance institutionnelle à travers la théorie de la gestion par objectifs comme cadre intellectuel directeur dans son plan stratégique, ce que l'université a présenté comme une expérience pionnière pour l’obtention du Prix égyptien d'excellence gouvernementale pour l'année 2022. L'université de Tanta a cherché à créer un modèle intégré pour mettre en œuvre des mécanismes de gouvernance institutionnelle avec des normes et des indicateurs qui permettent d'atteindre une orientation stratégique et d'utiliser des stratégies de gestion efficaces pour orienter les efforts sectoriels afin d'atteindre les objectifs stratégiques et les visions institutionnelles et de créer un environnement de travail qui stimule la production tout en renforçant l'esprit de l’équipe de travail unique et diffuser une culture d’excellence et de compétitivité à travers deux étapes principales


The First Stage: Institutional Structure

The Second Stage: Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

The first stage of implementing the university’s strategy of Financial, Administrative and Cognitive Institutional Governance using MBO theory started two years ago, in January 2021. It was approved by University Council under the title “Institutional Structure”. During the last two years, i.e. in the first stage, the university began to implement the model of Financial, Administrative and Cognitive Institutional Governance with institutional structure and applying mechanisms of financial, administrative and cognitive governance in sectors, units and centers of the university. These mechanisms included the following:

  1. Administrative restructuring of centers, units, and quality assurance centers affiliated to the university.
  2. Activating mechanisms of administrative governance and digital transformation of the administrative systems.
  3. Activating financial governance and financial inclusion, signing contracts and cooperation protocols with banks to govern money transactions at the university and payment of tuition fees or any other fees through the electronic platforms, and preventing any cash payments at the university since January 2021.
  4. Activating a unique model of financial governance that depends on estimated budget of special accounts and special funds at the university to monitor money . transactions and sources of deposit, and controlling the probable items of expenditure and setting an annual budget of these items in percentages out of the total profit of the special accounts and funds for the previous year so that employees are encouraged to increase self-resources and to reduce expenditure in relation to the profit of the previous year (instead of the funds of the previous years) to keep public money and to rationalize expenditure in the light of the actual net profit.
  5. Digitalizing all financial systems at the university through electronic platforms to ensure accuracy, to prevent corruption, to facilitate monitoring and analysis, to control money transactions, and to estimate financial and economic indicators particularly those of the special accounts.
  6. Activating the mechanisms of Management by Objectives, ratifying the institutional goals in the light of Egypt’s vision 2030, and ratifying the executive plans (i.e. the procedures, technical support plans, training and qualification plans, and criteria of rewarding and accountability).
  7. Connecting job performance to achievement of the institutional executive and strategic goals, and connecting the financial bonuses and rewards for the first time to productivity, achievement of the executive goals and job performance.
  8. Ratifying objective standard mechanisms and electronic tests to measure administrative competencies to choose the excellent, the talented and the managers with integrity and objectivity. .
  9. Ratifying objective standard mechanisms for the platform that measures each manager’s job performance.
  10. Ratifying objective standard mechanisms for the platform that measures job satisfaction.
  11. Ratifying training and qualification plans for employees, academic staff and assistant staff to increase the efficiency of human cadres.
  12. Ratifying and activating mechanisms of transparency, publishing facts, accountability, and rewarding.

Results of the first stage were excellent and promising during 2021 and 2022 when the university got advanced ranks in all world rankings. It was listed for the first time in two major rankings worldwide namely QS and Shanghai Ranking (ARWU). Moreover, the university gained Egypt Government Excellence Award at the end of 2021 and got the same award for the second year in a row in 2022. In addition, the university made unprecedented financial surplus in special accounts and special funds. It made a great breakthrough in huge projects such as 900 900 Hospital, Emergency Hospital, Faculty of Applied Arts, E-Exams Building, Nephrology and Renal Surgery Hospital and others. Furthermore, the university played a greater role in community service and considerably enhanced many presidential initiatives such as Decent Life, the Literacy Project, and Differently Capable. The university offered more health care services to patients in Middle Delta in two years. All these facts evidently prove the success of the university’s trail in the first stage of Institutional Structure.

This report presents the second stage of the model proposed by the university to achieve mechanisms and strategies of institutional governance under the title Institutional Performance Indicators (IPI). Thereupon, the report aims to show the model that monitors mechanisms and indicators of institutional performance to achieve institutional structure that was finished in the first stage. That stage took two years for implementation of the proposed model. Hence, the second stage focused on measuring the institutional performance. Its implementation began with decision No. 11 issued by University Council on November 23, 2022. Electronic platforms were created to monitor and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with minimum human interference to ensure impartiality, accuracy and transparency. Thereupon, the report shows measurement of progress at the main sectors of the university based on a set of key performance indicators. These indicators are accurate, objective, measurable, and impartial. They are used all time through the electronic platforms to measure progress at the main sectors, faculties, units, centers of the university, and University Hospitals. This measurement helps decision makers to make decisions, and to propose plans for improvement and for making more progress towards achievement of the university’s strategic goals.

Méthodologie de préparation des indicateurs de performance

The Model of Accordance between the Main Goals of the University and the Main Approaches of Higher Education

Institutional Governance Model of Tanta University

   The Platform of Institutional Governance