جامعة طنطا
0403317947 2+
Secretary-General of Tanta University
Vision and Mission
Secretary’s Word
Former Secretaries
Organizational Structure
Personnel Services
Engineering Affairs Department
Financial and Administrative Affairs Department
Budget and Accounts Department
Procurement and Warehouses Department
Entitlements Department
Internal Services Department
Secretarial Affairs and Archives Department
HQ Affairs Department
HR Management
Employment Affires
Appointments and Retirements
Hr Tasks
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Tasks of the Secretarial and Archives Department
1- Supervising receiving and distributing the urgent correspondence.
2- Reviewing the incoming mailings, directing them to the competent authorities, and following-up the outgoing ones
3- Supervising the preparation of indexes, and indexing all the incoming and outgoing correspondence.
4- Supervising creating files, cards and documents and reviewing them
5- Supervising recording the archives submitted to the preserving rooms and reviewing them
6- Participating with officials in drawing-up the general policy for the incoming and outgoing registration system and preserving various documents in the university administration, its faculties, and branches; in addition to taking the necessary measures to implement this policy.
7- Reviewing the incoming mailings and directing them to the competent authorities, in addition to following-up outgoing ones.
8- Following-up preparing subject, name, and mailing indexes
9- Following-up creating files, cards and documents and reviewing them
10- Following-up registering the archives submitted to the preservation rooms and reviewing them
11- Following-up applying the archives bylaw and the determined schedule of preservation
12- Receiving mailings and reviewing them
13- Receiving cheques, remittances, and the inter-office vouchers from the Accounts Department at the university
14- Indexing all the mailings and the internal memorandums according to the applied indexing system
15- Following-up the incoming mailings to make sure of replying to them
16- Preparing and creating the cards and indexes for the different files and coordinating them
17- Preserving all the incoming mailings and photocopies for the outgoing ones before sending them
18- Reviewing the preserved files and ratifying them to ensure their accomplishment
19- Preserving all the records, files, and documents that have been accomplished
20- Participating with the university officials in drawing-up the internal services policy at Tanta University and its faculties, and taking the proper procedures to implement that policy
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