Instructions of medical examination: 1. New students pay the tuition fees 2. Dates of medical examination are determined according to the instructions of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Medical examination lasts for about a month to be conducted on around 20 thousand students 3. A schedule, approved by the university administration, is determined for the faculties to disseminate male and female students on separated days. Medical examination is conducted in the following specializations (Internal Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, and Orthopedics) 4. After fulfilling the procedures, the medical examination form is submitted to Youth Welfare Department at the faculty to attach it to the student’s file 5. Extra examination is conducted upon students of Faculty of Physical Education to make sure of their fitness 6. The Medical Administration conducts medical examination on students who apply to university hostels for the first time as it is considered a prerequisite to be accepted. COVID-19 vaccine card it required.