The rules of the formation

• Article (103) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: After finishing preparation of the thesis, the supervisor or supervisors of the thesis present a report to the Council of specialized department on its validity for submission to the judgment committee with a suggestion about forming the judgment committee in preparation for submission to Faculty Council. A student must present to the faculty a number of copies determined by the internal bylaw.
• Article (104) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: Faculty Council forms judgment committee of the thesis including three members; one of them is supervisor of the thesis and two other members of professors and assistant professors at universities. Committee chairman is the oldest professor. If there are many supervisors, they can participate in the committee provided that they have one vote. The two members or one of them can be of previous professors or specialists at similar scientific level provided that one of them at least is from outside the faculty regarding master’s thesis and from outside the university regarding PhD thesis. Judgment committee is ratified by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research. :
• Portion of External Judge’s Participation in Judgment Committees: In its session held on December 20, 2010, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council approved what was mentioned in the letter sent from Faculty of Arts Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research concerning the approval of Faculty Council on October 19, 2010 for the suggestion stating that an external professor or assistant professor must not participate in judgment and discussion committee of master’s and PhD theses at the Faculty more than twice in the same academic year unless there is necessity determined by Faculty Council and approved by University Vice President. This rule is generalized to the rest of faculties except for Faculty of Law due to the lack of teaching staff members.

• Article (105) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: Theses are discussed publicly. Each member of the judgment committee presents a detailed scientific report on the thesis. The committee presents a scientific report on the thesis and result of the discussion. All reports are presented to Postgraduate Studies and Research committee at the faculty, then to Faculty Council in preparation for presenting them to University Council. Discussions can be omitted in some faculties according to stipulations of internal bylaws.
• Article (106) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: Estimations of master’s and PhD degrees are determined according to provisions of internal bylaws. Based on suggestion of judgment committee, University Council can decide to exchange the thesis with foreign universities if it worth so. Judgment committee can recommend publishing the thesis at the University’s expenses.
• Article (107) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: Based on the suggestion of judgment committee of the thesis, Faculty Council can allow a student, who has not been judged as valid for the master’s or PhD degrees, to present the thesis once again after completing shortcomings or to present another thesis.

Validity of Judgment Committee Formation and Its Period:

Decree of University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research No. 145 on June 6, 2001:
• The first article: Validity of judgment committee formation of master’s and PhD degrees continues for four months beginning from date of ratification by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
• The second article: Judgment committees are formed again after four months with an approval from Faculty Dean if there is no change in these committees.
• The third article: If there is a change in these committees, the matter is presented to Faculty Council.

In its session held on March 19, 1988, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council decided the following:

• Discussion committees of master’s and PhD theses are formed according to a decree by Faculty Council at the level of professors and assistant professors based on a suggestion from specialized Department Council.
• Judgment and discussion committee of master’s and PhD theses are chaired by the oldest professor.
• After finishing the thesis, the University is informed with formation of discussion committee and the whole printed thesis must be attached to it, in addition to a copy of supervisors’ reports on validity of the thesis for discussion. Then, it is sent back to the Faculty after University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research ratifies the formation of judgment and discussion committee. A student abides by correcting any mistakes that judgment committee may find in the thesis before its storage at the library.

On October 20, 1998, Postgraduate Studies Council decided the following:

• First: Each faculty has the authority of organize the thesis and determine its shape in accordance with circumstances of each thesis and each faculty.

• Second: Attached to the thesis is a CD including contents of the thesis.
• Third: Discussion of the thesis is publicly.

The Legal Opinion about Formation of Judgment Committees:

Concerning formation of judgment and discussion committees of scientific theses at faculties, Legal consultant of the University recommended that Department Council has only the specialization of suggesting supervisors of the theses and formation of their judgment committees. As for registration of master’s and PhD theses, appointment of judgment committees of these theses and cancellation of registration; they will be according to a decree issued by specialized Faculty Council based on stipulations of article 41\31 of Universities Organization Law No. 49 of 1972.
When the matter was presented to Postgraduate Studies and Research Council on December 23, 1992, it gave an approval for the opinion of University legal consultant regarding the fact that Department Council has only the specialization of suggesting supervisors of the theses and formation of their judgment committees and that registration of master’s and PhD theses, appointment of judgment committees of these theses and cancellation of registration will be according to a decree issued by specialized Faculty Council based on stipulations of article 41\31 of Universities Organization Law No. 49 of 1972.

Participation of Specialist in Judgment and Discussion Committees:

Based what was tackled in the Council, coping with policy of the state of elevating the scientific level of postgraduate studies and to activate provisions of article (104) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council approved on October 20, 2003 the conditions that must be met when selecting a specialist in judgment and discussion committees as follows:
• A specialist nominated to be member in judgment and discussion committees of master’s and PhD theses must have gained PhD degree five years ago at least.
• He must have enough experience in the field of thesis area which can be up to the position of Professor or Assistant Professor.
• CV of the specialist taking part in judgment and discussion committees must be presented to the University. In its session held on February 22, 1994, University Council decided to consider supervision of scientific theses and membership of judgment and discussion committees as part of exam duties. Therefore, rules regulating exam duties apply to participation in supervision and discussion committees of scientific theses.

Date of Granting the Degree:

Date of granting the degree is determined according to the date on which Faculty Council ratified the result of this degree (the last paragraph of article 73 of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law).

Announcement of Results:

• Names of successful students in exams are announced in alphabetical order regarding each estimation.
• Successful students in final exams are granted certificate of the scientific degree or diploma showing the estimation they got after they pay the required fees. The certificate is signed by Faculty Dean and University President. Decree by University President is issued granting the scientific degrees and diplomas after approval of University Council. Until a student gets the mentioned certificate, he can have a temporary one signed by Faculty Dean showing the scientific degree or the diploma he got and his estimation.
• Date of granting the scientific degree is determined according to the date on which Faculty Council ratified the result of this degree based on article (73) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law.
• On November 30, 1993, Postgraduate Studies Council decided to approve notifying faculties of the University with the fact that results of postgraduate exams must not be announced till they are revised by the General Administration of Postgraduate Studies and Research and ratified by the University.
Attendance Percentage: On January 11, 1994, University Council decided the following: With the purpose of organizing the educational process and for good progress of study in stages of diplomas and master at faculties whose bylaws do not stipulate students’ attendance percentage of lectures in diplomas and master, the Council decided to continue applying the decree of Postgraduate Studies and Research Council of November 23, 1998 concerning the fact that students are prohibited from taking the exam if attendance percentage is less than 65%. University Administration must be informed with the immediate implementation of this decree.

Mark Raising Rules:

• On May 31, 1995, University Council decided to apply rules of raising arithmetic half mark by Faculty Administration. This is generalized to faculties of the University.
• Postgraduate Studies Council decided the following on June 21, 1995:
• Approval for approximation of half mark in any subject.
• Approximation of half mark must result into a change in the student’s result. A student whose result does not change, approximation is not applied to him.