Internal missions rules

Internal missions

A mission to obtain a PhD degree in a specialization from the country, to be nominated by a holder of a master’s degree, and the travel is to collect scientific material for a period of one year, and the duration of the scholarship is five years from the date of registration for the PhD degree. - The mission starts from the date of registration for the doctorate, with a maximum of five years.
End date of the mission: The mission ends after spending the period indicated above, after which the researcher returns to his work, whether he obtains a doctorate degree or not, and continues to study the doctorate and isn’t registered to the mission in this case. A member of the internal mission is authorized to travel abroad to conduct research or to collect scientific material related to his studies for a period of one year, according to the following conditions. .
1. Meeting the reservation conditions at a foreign university.
2. The approval of the supervisor, the relevant academic department council, and the Faculty council.
3. Security approval to travel.
4. Meeting the language requirements.
5. The approval of the university president.
6. The approval of the Executive Committee for missions.

 . A memorandum is issued to be presented to the Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research (the authorization of the President of the University) for the approval of travel, and the General Administration of missions and the concerned faculty are notified.
- In the case of a member of the internal mission travels abroad, he is financially treated as a member of the external mission and during traveling and his stay abroad.
- The mission is renewed annually based on a report from the main supervisor of the researcher and the approval of the faculty, provided that the extension for a fifth year is presented to the University Council based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities on 4/8/1983 and approved by the Executive Committee for Scholarships on 8/27/1983.

 A 600 Egyptian pounds is paid from the scholarship budget for supervising a member of the internal mission after having a PhD approved by the University Council, in addition to the reward that is paid by the university.
- The member of the internal mission is granted a full-time sabbatical.