Cooperation Protocol between Tanta University and
Prof. Mohammed Ahmed Daboun, University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, under auspices of Prof. Abdel Hakim Abdel Khalek Khalil, University President, signed a cooperation protocol with the Financial Company for Fertilizers in Kafr El-Zayyat under chairmanship of Acc. Ali Awad Al-Sayyad, the deputized member, in order to activate the role played by the University in community service and environmental development and to enhance fruitful cooperation relations between them in the field of environment and social participation.
Both parties agreed to exchange scientific and technical consultations in fields of environment and community service, to organize training courses for chemists who work at the Company through faculties, units and centers of the University using different scientific devices, to train University students in summer at the Company in various specializations, to organize and hold workshops, symposiums and conferences in areas of mutual interest and to make committees for continuous communication between the University and the Company. Furthermore, the Company will offer facilitations needed for conducting joint environmental research to achieve benefit and interest of both parties, while the University will present specialized technical consultations for the Company to solve the problems it may encounter.
8/22/2015 11:23:00 AM