Tanta University Shares with Egyptians their Pleasure about Inauguration of the New Suez Canal
Tanta University was decorated to be in the most beautiful look so as to share with Egyptian people the celebration on the occasion of inaugurating the new Suez Canal. These words have been declared by Prof. Abdel Hakim Abdel Khalek Khalil, University President, who has indicated that preparations for that celebration began early at Tanta University as signs and banners of the University were hung on main fronts of the University, its units and basic squares in Tanta for hailing the great achievement done by Egyptians. He has added that there is preparation then to establish a stage in front of the main gate of University General Administration in Al-Geish Street to sing national anthems and songs and to present artistic performances by University chorus coinciding with launching the activities of celebrations held by the state for this great accomplishment.
8/18/2015 3:56:00 PM