• Article (69) of the Executive Bylaw of Universities Organization Law: A student must follow up lessons and participate in practical exercises or research according to stipulations of the internal bylaw. A student can be deprived from taking all exams or some exams if he or she is not punctual. In this case, a student is considered failure in the curricula he or she was deprived from taking their exams. Faculty Council can suspend student's enrollment for two successive or separate years during years of study at the Faculty if a student presented an acceptable excuse that prevents him from being punctual in study. In cases of necessity, Faculty Council can increase the period of enrollment suspension.
• In its session held on July 25, 1985, University Council decided to approve to give its authority as for suspending students' enrollment and accepting their apologies for not taking exams to Postgraduate Studies Council based on the last paragraph of article (69) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law.
• In its session held on February 27, 2003, University Council decided to apply decree of University Council issued on September 30, 1990 that stipulates that the reenrollment of student whose enrollment was suspended for more than two years is considered a new registration at faculties of Tanta University except cases of enrollment suspension for husband accompaniment abroad taking into mind not to breach the stipulation of article (69) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law. Students to whom this case applies must meet the conditions mentioned in the law and bylaw particularly the required attendance percentage as well as supervisors' following up of theses. Each case is presented individually to University Council.
Cases of Enrollment Suspension
The period of the special leave of spouse accompaniment is not considered a part of the period needed for gaining the PhD degree: The general assembly of departments of Fatwa and Legislation in State Council decided not to consider the period of spouse accompaniment leave as part of the period needed for gaining the PhD degree (according to the stipulation of article 156 of Universities Organization Law that says: An assistant lecturer is transferred to other job if he or she does not gain the PhD degree or an equivalent one five years as a maximum after appointment as assistant lecturer.
Obligatory Enrollment Suspension
• In its session held on July 20, 2004, Postgraduate Studies Council decided to allow faculties to take enrollment suspension measures twards demonstrators and assistant lecturers registered for the master's and PhD degrees obligatorily for the period they take as leave without pay, without breach of stipulation of article 99 of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law and previous decrees of University Council issued on May 30, 1990 and February 27, 2001.
• In its session held on November 24, 1998, University Council decided to approve the decree of Postgraduate Studies Council in its session of November 14, 1998 regarding ratification of the resolution of the committee formed to consider problems related to the periods that are not considered parts of the period needed for gaining the PhD degree as follows:
• To put into effect the stipulation of article 3/69 of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law concerning excuses for enrollment suspension for two successive or separate years and the possibility of increasing the period based
on a decree from University Council in the following cases:
••• Causes that prevents punctuality of study
••• Recruitment
••• Travel abroad
• To apply the stipulation of article 97 of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law concerning the possibility of keeping registration for another period identified by Faculty Council according to the supervisor's report.
• In its session held from November 16th to 17th, 2011, the Council approved that enrollment of students registered for scientific theses can be suspended for a maximum of 5 years based on the approval from Postgraduate Studies Council on October 23, 2011.
Enrollment Suspension for Students Enrolled and Registered for Master's and PhD Degrees
• On August 31, 2010, University Council decree was issued stating "It is prohibited to increase the period of enrollment suspension for student who is enrolled in postgraduate stage and whose thesis not registered over 5 years except for demonstrators and assistant lecturers.
• As for students registered for scientific theses in master's and PhD degrees, the period of enrollment suspension does not have a maximum in case of necessity provided that reenrollment of student whose enrollment was suspended is considered a new registration except for spouse accompaniment abroad.
• On April 30, 2014, University Council approved what Postgraduate Studies and Research Council decided on April 22, 2014 regarding amendment of University Council decree made on August 31, 2010 through deleting the following phrase: "reenrollment of a student whose enrollment was suspended for more than two years is considered a new registration except for enrollment suspension for husband accompaniment abroad" and having sufficiency in what was decided by University Council in its session held on August 31, 2010 and its session held from November 16th to 17th, 2011 concerning indentifying the maximum period of enrollment suspension for students enrolled or registered for the master's or PhD degrees.
Cancelling Student's Enrollment for Not Paying Tuition Feesal
• On October 29, 2008, University Council decided to approve the decree of Postgraduate Studies and Research Council made in its session of October 21, 2008 as for cancelling enrollment and registration of postgraduate students who have not paid the charges and tuition fees six months after the beginning of the academic year after being warned three times.
• In its session held on March 16, 2010, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council approved to authorize University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research to cancel the registration of master's and PhD students because of not paying tuition fees according to adopted rules.