• Article (171) of Universities Organization Law: In the stage of postgraduate studies, a student can be exempted from attendance and exam of some curricula if it is proved that he attended similar curricula and succeeded in their exams at a faculty of a university or an institute that are acknowledged by the University provided that the study period needed for gaining the scientific degree had been more than one year in compliance with provisions of articles No. 178 and 177. Exemption is based on a decree by University President after gaining the approval of Postgraduate Studies and Research Council according to the suggestion of Faculty Council or the specialized institute after taking the opinion of Department Council or councils of specialized departments in compliance with provision of article No. 36 of Universities Organization Law.
• Article (36) of Universities Organization Law: Decrees of Education and Student Affairs Council, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council, and Community Service and Environmental Development Sector related to planning, organization and following up are presented to University Council to make decisions about them. Decrees of the previously mentioned councils in executive matters are active after ratification by University President. University President can present decrees to University Council if necessary.
• On March 19, 2002, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council decided to exempt some postgraduate students from some previously studied subjects if these subjects are completed with gaining the scientific degree or postgraduate diploma.