In implementation of articles from 103 to 107 in the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law, on December 29, 2010 University Council decided to identify the steps and procedures that must be taken to grant scientific degrees (master and PhD) as follows:
• The supervisor, or supervisors, submits a report to the Council of specialized department on validity of the thesis for discussion including a suggestion about formation of judgment committee.
• The suggestion of Department Council about formation of judgment committee is presented to postgraduate studies committee at the faculty.
• The suggestion of postgraduate studies committee about formation of judgment committee is presented to Faculty Council for consideration and making suitable decision.
• The General Administration of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the University is notified with the approval of Faculty Council for formation of judgment committee in order to take procedures of ratifying the formation by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
• The Faculty is notified with ratification of judgment committee by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research so as to begin measures necessary for informing members of judgment committee according to the suggested formation. A copy is sent to judges in fifteen days’ time after which the thesis is going to be discussed.
• Theses are publicly discussed. Each member of judgment committee presents a scientific detailed report on the thesis. The scientific committee presents a scientific report on the thesis and result of the discussion. All reports are submitted to postgraduate Studies and research committee at the Faculty and then to Faculty Council in preparation for submitting them to University Council. Discussion at some faculties can be omitted in some faculties according to stipulations of internal bylaws.
• Based on the suggestion of judgment committee of the thesis, Faculty Council can allow a student, who has not been judged as valid for the master’s or PhD degrees, to present the thesis once again after treating the shortcomings or to present another thesis.
• Based on suggestion of judgment committee, University Council can decide to exchange the thesis with foreign universities if it is worth so. Judgment committee can recommend publishing the thesis at University’s expenses.
Sending Theses to Judges
On January 22, 2003, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council decided to approve what was mentioned in the memorandum submitted by the General Administration of Postgraduate Studies:
• Master’s and PhD theses cannot be sent to examiners unless University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research has ratified formation of judgment committees of theses.
• Judges are addressed via letters signed by Faculty Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research or Faculty Dean including date on which University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research ratified the formation. A copy of student’s thesis is attached to the letters in preparation for determining a date for discussion after the decided period that is two weeks after ratification date.
In its session held on January 22, 2012, Postgraduate Studies and Research Council approved that there must be a period of two weeks as a minimum between date of ratifying judgment and discussion committee formation of the thesis by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research and date of discussing the scientific thesis. In addition, all documents of granting the decree must be revised by Faculty Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies before it is sent to the Administration of Postgraduate Studies at the University.