• Article (97) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law: Internal
bylaws of faculties identify procedures of registration for the master’s and PhD
degrees and the period after which registration is over unless Faculty Council
decided to keep registration for another period determined according to the
supervisor’s report.
• Some faculties suggest formation of judgment and discussion committees of dissertations based on supervisors’ recommendation even if the identified legal period of registration in internal bylaws at faculties is over. Therefore, on November 23, 1988, Postgraduate Studies Council decided:
o To approve authorization of University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies
and Research to extend registration period in such cases before he ratifies
formation of judgment committee of theses.
o To present cases of extension for PhD students in the second year and the
years after that at faculties of Medicine and Physical Education to Postgraduate
Studies Council, then to University Council (Faculty of Medicine only).