• Article (168) of Universities Organization Law: The Arabic language is the language of education at universities under this law unless University Council decides usage of another language. Exams are in the language of the curriculum. In special cases, Faculty Council can allow a student to answer in another language after taking the opinion of Department Council or specialized departments. Master's and PhD theses are written in the language determined by Faculty Council after taking the opinion of specialized Department. In all cases, a complete abstract in Arabic and another in English must be attached to theses.
• Article (177) of Universities Organization Law: Study for gaining the master's degree includes high academic curricula and exercises on theses of research, induction of results and finally preparation of a thesis accepted by judgment committee. It must be scientifically valuable work. The period required for gaining this degree is not less than two years.
• Article (178) of Universities Organization Law: PhD degree is based on innovative research for a period not less than two years which ends with presenting a thesis accepted by judgment committee. A student can be assigned some advanced studies according to what is identified by internal bylaws. PhD thesis must be scientifically valuable work that proves student's personal ability in his or her research and studies. It must represent new scientific addition.
• Article (178) of Universities Organization Law: Internal bylaws of faculties identify procedures of registration for master's and PhD degrees and the period after which registration becomes invalid unless Faculty Council decided to keep the registration for another period determined based on the supervisor's report.