Council of Postgraduate Studies and Research decided the following on February 5, 1989:
• Students who would like to apologize for not taking the exam must present a request to Faculty Dean enough time before exams, during them or a week after them as a maximum. The request must be presented with documents concerning not taking exams. If absence is due to illness, Department of Postgraduate Affairs at the Faculty must present the student to the specialized medical committee at the University to make a report on ratifying the apology or not. After approval of the apology, it will be sent ratified by the medical committee to Postgraduate Studies General Administration at the University to ratify it by University Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research. Then, Postgraduate Studies General Administration at the University sends the apology to concerned faculty for endorsement for student’s name in the results before their announcement.
• Health excuses cannot be accepted a week after end of exams. In cases of absolute necessity, Postgraduate Studies Council can accept apologies that prove to be serious.
• If a student is infected with a disease suddenly during the written exam in a curriculum and becomes unable to complete the exam, his apology can be accepted for not taking the exam in that curriculum if the doctor of exam room ratified that he is ill and sanctioned the report from the specialized medical committee at the University.
• Students who present illness certificates from outside the Republic because they are abroad, these certificates are not reliable unless they are issued by one of acknowledged governmental hospitals there, sanctioned by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in that country and endorsed by the Egyptian consulate in that country.
• Apologies presented by students because their work is in bad need for them during exams cannot be accepted unless there is absolute necessity.
• Students who are summoned by the Military Service or the Reserve of Armed Forces a week before the exam, his absence is with accepted apology if he presented a document proving this. As a general principle, if student does not take the exam due to a compelling excuse accepted by Faculty Council, his absence is not considered failure provided that this does not occur for more than two successive or separate times during years of study. In cases of necessity, University Council can grant the student a third opportunity. Councils of faculties have the right to take decisions regarding acceptance of apologies for not taking exam for two years as a maximum. University Council has the right to accept the apology if it is the third and last based on the stipulation of Article (80) of the executive bylaw of Universities Organization Law which stipulates that: “If a student is absent in an exam with a compelling excuse accepted by Faculty Council, his absence is not considered failure provided that absence is no more than two successive or separate times during years of study at the faculty. In cases of necessity, University Council is allowed to grant the student a third opportunity.
• On September 16, 2003, Postgraduate Studies Council decided not to count accepted apologies for not taking postgraduate studies exams from the allowed number of exam rounds provided that the maximum is only two apologies in each stage of study (i.e. diploma, master and PhD) whether the apologies were due to illness or any other acceptable apologies according to opinion of concerned Faculty Council. If a student is infected with chronic disease that makes him exceed the allowed number of apologies, he must present a request to suspend enrollment based applied rules. This must be done without contradiction with faculties’ internal bylaws.