Missions de supervision conjointes

1-Conditions for obtaining the scholarship

2- Financial transaction and mission implementation

3-Travel abroad and supervisors

4-General Conditions

1-Conditions for obtaining the scholarship

Conditions for obtaining the scholarship

- A mission to obtain a PhD degree in a specialization from the country, to be nominated by a holder of a master’s degree,
- The scholarship is five years from the date of registration for the PhD degree.
- The mission is renewed annually based on a report from the main supervisor of the researcher and the approval of the faculty, provided that the extension for a fifth year is presented to the University Council based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities on 4/8/1983 and approved by the Executive Committee for Scholarships on 8/27/1983.

conditions of missions

1- The applicant must be a demonstrator or assistant research with a master’s degree or an assistant teacher or research assistant in one of the entities listed in the mission plan, provided
2- The age of the applicant for the mission should not exceed 35 years on the date of the announcement.
3- The applicant must be registered for a doctorate as a condition for applying, and the registration should not exceed two years on the date of the announcement.
4- The applicant must have a master's degree in the specialization of the mission.
5- The overall grade for the first university degree should be very good at least.
6- The applicant must have performed military service or been exempted.
7- The applicant should not have previously obtained a scholarship or mission presented to the state for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate.
8- The applicant must be at work on the date of the announcement.
9- Approval of data forms from the sending authority (stamped by the faculty and university)

financial transaction

During the internal part: the student is treated in it with the same financial treatment as that of members of the internal mission, as of the approval of the Executive Committee of mission.
During the external part: the student is treated with the same financial treatment as that of the member of the external mission, with the suspension of the benefits of the internal mission, and when returning, the exchange is returned again.

Mission implementation

1- The student must text foreign universities to obtain the approval of a foreign supervisor to be part of the supervising body, provided that these correspondences are signed by the Egyptian supervisor.
2- The student submits a request to his faculty to add the foreign supervisor to the registration supervision body.
3- The student submits another request to the faculty to approve the opening a scientific channel between Tanta University and the foreign university from which he obtained the approval of the foreign professor.
4- A memorandum is submitted to the president of the university, or his authorized representative, to approve the opening of the scientific channel. 5- Informing the Ministry of Higher Education, the General Administration of mission and the Faculty.

Travelling abroad

The member travels for a year, and it is counted from the date of his departure the homeland, and it may be extended for another year, with the continuation of the student’s stay after the second year after the approval of the sending authority, without presenting the matter to the Executive Committee of missions . .

Required documents for travel

1. A letter from the foreign supervisor requesting the student to travel.
2. The language level of the country to which he is sent.
3. Approval of the department and the faculty.
4. Security approval.
5. The approval of the President of the University.

General conditions for joint supervision missions

1- Approving that if a member of the joint supervision mission or the internal mission requests abroad to complete his research after the end of the total duration of the mission (five years from the date of registration), his mission ends and he is granted a study leave on an external funding source without salaries from the missions and for a maximum of six years from the date of registration and with the approval of the sending authority and on the condition that he obtains a doctorate from home.
2- Approving the change of the original mission type from the joint supervision mission or the internal mission and converting it into a study leave to obtain a doctoral degree from abroad on an external financial source. In this case, the foreign donor’s approval of the following conditions is required:
1- Observance of copyrights, patents, and research outputs during the study vacation with the donor and Egyptian supervisors
2- The approval of the sending authority and the approval of the Egyptian supervisor, holding the right to write his name on the doctoral thesis.
3- taking into account in writing that the funding was through the Egyptian Mission in the case of publishing research in scientific fields,
4- Secondly: Approval of the continued stay of the member of the joint supervision mission or the internal mission abroad after the end of the period prescribed for him to complete the collection of scientific material at his own expense, provided that it does not exceed five years from the date of registration and with the approval of the sending authority.