Conférences externes

1- Governing rules and conditions
2- Delegation documents and procedures
3- Travel ban

1- Governing rules and conditions

foreign conferences

The faculty afford the round-trip airfare by economy class
The participation fee for the conference is a maximum of $1,000.
Travel allowance for the entire duration of the conference
The Ministry's contribution will be transferred to the participant in the conference.

University contribution rules

The faculty member participating in the external conference should have an acceptable research paper or poster in the faculty member's specialization.
The faculty member is invited to give a lecture at the conference
The faculty member should chair a session of the conference.
Once for a faculty member in the position of a Lecturer.
Once for a faculty member in the position of Assistant professor.
Once for a faculty member in the position of professor every three years, and in the case of preference, those who have not traveled before to attend external conferences are preferred.