Tanta University Students Gain Prizes at the Competition “The Golden Pharaoh, 100 Years of History”

Tanta University students gained many ranks and prizes in the competition “The Golden Pharaoh, 100 Years of History”. Student\ Fatema Khaled Anas enrolled in the second year at Faculty of Arts in Media Department gained the first rank in short films and a financial prize of 6000 EGP. In addition, student\ Basem Abdel Aziz Abdel Wareth enrolled in the fourth year at Faculty of Education gained the second rank in plastic arts and a financial prize of 4000 EGP.

   Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, University President, congratulated the winner students affirming that the university is keen on developing students’ talents, sharpening their skills, enhancing their innovation, and encouraging them to take part in local and international competitions.

    For his part, Prof. Mohamed Hussein, University Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, commended the performance of university students who won in the competition. He declared that the university always supports its students and offers them all required capabilities and training to find out creative and superior students.
