Tanta University Gains the Top Rank in Eradicating Illiteracy at the Level of Egyptian Universities


Tanta University manages to eradicate illiteracy of 12525 persons.

Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, "Priority is given to enhance Egypt's vision 2030, and eradicating illiteracy is a national duty and foundation for development."

     Tanta University gained the top rank at the level of Egyptian Universities in the national project of literacy according to the results issued by the National Authority for Literacy and Adult Education in July 2021. The University managed to eradicate illiteracy of 12525 persons.

      Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, Tanta University President, conformed that the University is keen on enhancing Egypt's vision 2030 and participating in the national strategy for human rights launched by President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi. Hence, the University implemented an integrated plan to enhance the national project of literacy in the framework of the strategy of the University to disseminate knowledge and activate its significant role in community service. He pointed out that eradicating illiteracy is a national duty and a foundation for development.

    University President praised the effective participation of students in the national project of literacy within the framework of implementing the cooperation protocol with the General Authority of Adult Education. He encouraged students to participate in the project.

     For his part, Prof. Ashor Amry, Head of the National Authority for Adult Education, thanked Tanta University for its unprecedented role in upgrading the educational system, scientific research and community service.

     Prof. Ashor Amry, added that Tanta University and its cadres, including academic staff and students, has been participating in the implementation of the national project of literacy as it is considered a national duty and  gives unprecedented support to achieve the state strategy and Egypt’s vision 2030 of sustainable development. It confirms the position of Tanta University at the national, regional and international levels.

     For his part, Prof. Mamdouh Al Masry, Dean of Faculty of Arts, stated that the Faculty gained the top rank at the University level in eradicating illiteracy. It came as a culmination of the efforts of participants in the project. He congratulated the teamwork confirming that the result will be a motivation to exert more efforts in eradicating illiteracy especially in villages and hamlets.

