Translated by\ Mona Mohammed Faheem
Tanta University organized a number of medical and guidance convoys during February to help citizens of remote villages in Gharbia governorate in the light of the social responsibility of the University and in implementation of its significant role in community service under patronage of Prof. Ibrahim Abdel Wahab Salem, Acting President of the
University, and Prof. Mohammed Ahmed Daboun, University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development.
Prof. Ibrahim Salem has asserted that those convoys are organized in the context of medical convoys program that has been ratified by the Supreme Council of Universities in implementation of University plan to achieve communication with local community institutions represented in directorates of health and social affairs, Middle Delta Environmental Affairs Agency, Education Directorate, Social Solidarity Directorate, and the General Authority for Adult Education with participation of University professors in different specializations from faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Specific Education.
Prof. Mohammed Daboun has declared that a medical convoy has been already sent to Kafr Sa‘doun village in Kotour district on January 30, 2017 during which 1276 cases had medical examination in all medical specializations; medicaments costing 40 thousand pounds were disbursed for free. He has added that 34 citizens from the village passed literacy exams held by the General Authority for Adult Education. Gharbia Social Solidarity Directorate distributed financial aids of 100 EGP to 94 needy persons in the village; monthly pensions were decided to be handed out to the disabled, widows, divorced women as well as handicapped children. The convoy included giving guidance lectures for increasing awareness in various topics such as medical breastfeeding, healthy food, caring about newborn infants, hepatitis C virus HCV, underage marriage, and other issues. The lectures were delivered by professors from faculties of Education and Nursing.
Prof. Daboun has added that another convoy was sent to Al-Talibia village in Kafr El- Zayyat on February 1, 2017 where medical examination was conducted to 1577 cases and required medicaments costing 40 thousand pounds were disbursed for free. In addition, literacy exam was held for 10 citizens from the village as well as distributing financial aids of100 EGP to 100 persons by Social Solidarity Directorate. Furthermore, lectures were given in a number of topics such as avian flu, how to limit contagion and methods of dealing with
infected cases. Moreover, another convoy was sent to Mashal village in Basyoun district on February 5, 2017. 1588 cases were examined and medicaments costing 40 thousand pounds were disbursed for free. Also, 30 citizens from the village passed literacy exams. In addition, financial aids of 100 EGP was handed out to 150 persons by Social Solidarity Directorate. Moreover, lectures were given in a number of topics such as first aids in cases of fractures, asphyxia, burns, heart attack, electricity shocks, and breast self-examination (BSE) for the ladies.
University Vice President has pointed out that a medical convoy headed to nursing home in Kafr Esam St. on Monday, February 13, 2017 during which 35 cases were examined in specializations of cardiology, internal medicine, physical medicine and rheumatology, psychiatry and neurology, Neurosurgery, urology, and ophthalmology. Some cases were referred to Tanta University hospitals for following up and conducting thorough examinations. Furthermore, Gharbia Social Solidarity Directorate distributed 200 EGP to each resident in the nursing house. Another convoy was sent to Mit Hawai in Al-Santa district on February 23, 2017 during which medical examination was conducted to 1922 cases in all medical specializations. Medicaments costing 40 thousand pounds with were disbursed for free. In addition, 17 citizens from the village passed literacy exam held by the General Authority for Adult Education. Gharbia Social Solidarity Directorate disbursed financial aids of 100 EGP to 150 poor families in the village. Also, the convoy included giving guidance lectures for awareness in many topics such as environmental pollution and its effect on health, and water pollution and wasting water.
Prof. Mohammed Daboun has announced that the University finished convoys program of February. The last one was a medical convoy to Al-Gharib village in Zefta district on February 27th where medical examination was conducted to 1814 cases and required medicaments costing 40 thousand pounds were disbursed for free. Furthermore, literacy exam was held for 33 citizens from the village as well as distributing financial aids of 100 EGP to 150 persons and 50 blankets to 50 persons by Social Solidarity Directorate. In addition,
lectures were delivered in a number of pivots such as umbilical hernia and health education about neurological diseases and osteoarthritis of knee and joints.