During a Celebration at Tanta University, Head of the Authority of Adult Education Honors Tanta University for Gaining the First Rank in Literacy at the Level of Egyptian Universities Tanta University President Honors Faculties that Participated in Literacy Project

Tanta University held a celebration as it gained the first rank at the level of Egyptian universities in literacy. Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, Tanta University President, honored faculties of Arts, Education and Commerce that participated in the Project of Literacy and Adult Education in attendance of Prof. Tarek Rahmy, Gharbia Governorate; Prof. Ashor Amry, Head of the General Authority of Adult Education; Prof. Hamdy Shaaban, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development; Prof. Mohamed Hussein, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs; Prof. Mamdouh Al-Masry, Dean of Faculty of Arts; Prof. Ahmed Helal, Dean of Faculty of Education; and Prof. Hany Al-Shamy, Dean of Faculty of Commerce.

   During the celebration, Prof. Mahmoud Zaki affirmed that the university is keen on enhancing Egypt’s vision 2030 to take part in human development strategy launched by President\ Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Therefore the university carried out a plan for supporting the National Project of Literacy and Adult Education in the context of university’s role in disseminating knowledge. He indicated that literacy is the foundation of development.

    Moreover, he declared that the university gained the 1st rank in literacy and adult education at the level of Egyptian universities as it could educate 12525 illiterate persons according to the report issued by the General Authority of Adult Education in July 2021.

     During his speech, Prof. Tarek Rahmy, Ghrabia Governor, stated that he is pleased that Gharbia Governorate and Tanta University gained the first rank in achieving the goal of Literacy and Adult Education Project at the level of the republic. He asserted that the Governorate is cooperating with all bodies so that Egypt can be illiteracy-free achieving its vision of 2030.

   At the end of the celebration, employees at the authority branch in Gharbia Governorate under leadership of Mr. Mohammed Abo Al-Nabayel, Manager of Adult Education Authority in Gharbia, were honored in appreciation of their efforts.
