Tanta University Relieves the Suffering of 1600 Patients in Shobrakas

   The medical convoy of Tanta University to Shobrakas village affiliated to Al-Santa province in Gharbia treated about 1600 patients. These words have been declared by Prof. Mohammed Ahmed Daboun, University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development. He has pointed out that the convoy came as part of University's program under auspices of Prof. Abdel Hakim Abdel Khalek Khalil, University President, for delivering medical service to remote places deprived of it in villages and provinces of the governorate and for achieving communication with local community organizations represented in directorates of health and social affairs, Environmental Affairs Agency in the governorate, the National Authority for Adult Education. 

  Professors from faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Agriculture at the University took part in the convoy where medical examination was conducted for 1584 cases in all medical specializations. In addition, medicaments were disbursed for free with the cost of 20 thousand pounds.   

   Activities of the convoy included awareness lectures on different specializations such as first aids, fractures, burns, poisoning, control of infection and disease, explanation of types of hepatic viruses, methods of transmission and prevention, and family planning. Furthermore, there were lectures for agriculture awareness on precautions that must be taken when using pesticides, integrated treatment of pests and agricultural guiding. Moreover, a literacy exam was held for 51 illiterate persons from the village in addition to distribution of 100 blankets for facing cold weather and some financial aids to some poor villagers.
