During his Participation in the Cultural Symposium “Sinai: the Past, Present and Future” at Tanta University, Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, “The New Republic is a Great Achievement in Egypt Like a Second Crossing”

   Popular and Military Defense Forces at Tanta University organized on Tuesday the 25th cultural symposium for Egyptian universities and institutes under the title “Sinai: the Past, Present and Future” in Conference Hall at Tanta University in attendance of Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, University President; Leader of Popular and Military Defense Forces, Manager of Old Warriors’ Society, university vice presidents, a group of executive and popular leaders of Gharbia governorate.   

   During his speech, Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, University President, congratulated everyone on the occasion of the glorious October victory when Egypt crossed from defeat to triumph. He affirmed that Egypt is going to make a new crossing by establishing a new republic under leadership of President\ Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.   

   Furthermore, he added that Tanta University – as one of the Egyptian institutions – improved its sustainable development strategy to be part of the more comprehensive Egypt’s strategy 2030.  

    To play a pivotal role in its society whether in education, scientific research, community service, or environmental development, the university formulated its new quinquennial plan to enhance Egypt’s vision 2030 through 8 pivots. The first is enhancement of Presidential initiatives of financial inclusion, digital transformation, and development of resources. The second is establishment of 900 900 Hospital in El-Mahalla El-Kobra. The third is development of the medical sector and effective participation in the presidential initiative Decent Life. The fourth is applying governance criteria and administrative restructuring according to the model of Management by Objectives (MBO). The fifth is supporting Literacy Initiative where Tanta University gained the first rank at the level of Egyptian universities with educating 12525 illiterate persons. The sixth is development of the educational process and enhancement of blended education system. The seventh pivot is improvement of university’s rank in world rankings and the international collaboration. The eighth one is enhancement of student activities and supporting the talented.    
